FirstBIT Accounting's customers report a 100% VAT return completion success rate
Penalties for failure to submit correct information in the VAT return
In situations where incorrect information is submitted in a VAT return, such as under-accounting the FTA or over-recovering input tax, the following penalties will apply:

AED 3,000 for the first error.

AED 5,000 for every following error.

- 5%, 30% or 50% Percentage-based penalty on the unpaid amount to the FTA due to the error. The percentage will be calculated based on whether or not the error was disclosed to the FTA.
Automated VAT Accounting and VAT Return Completion with FirstBIT Accounting:

08:00 - Fines & penalties for non-VAT compliance by FTA
20:35 - VAT Return Period
25:10 - VAT on Sales and all other Outputs
28:30 - VAT on Expenses and all other Inputs, Net VAT Due
30:11 - Standard Rated Supplies
36:51 - Supplies subject to the Reverse Charge Provision
38:24 - Zero-Rate Supplies
40:07 - Exempt Supplies
40:54 - Goods Imported to the UAE
43:25 - Bad Debts
46:21 - Analysis: Output VAT
47:46 - Standard Rated Expense
50:37 - Input VAT
51:53 - Standard Rated Expense
52:54 - Supplies Subject to Reverse Charge Provision
53:38 - Bad Debts
55:33 - Recoverable VAT
56:38 - Net VAT
57:10 - Submitting VAT Return in the FTA portal;
1:01:19 - One automation success story: preparing and submitting the VAT Return to FTA

Upon filing, on each return,
what information do I need to provide

  • Details of the taxable person
  • The value of exempt supplies made in the tax period
  • The value of taxable supplies subject to the standard rate of VAT in the tax period and the output tax charged, segregated per emirate
  • The value of reverse charged supplies received in the tax period
  • The value of taxable supplies subject to the zero-rate made in the tax period
  • The value of expenses incurred in the tax period where you seek to recover input tax, and the amount of the recoverable tax
  • The total value of tax due and recoverable tax for the tax period
  • The payable /repayable tax for the tax period
Process of filing VAT return
FirstBIT Accounting helps you to complete
VAT returns and reporting in the UAE
Learn how a VAT-ready accounting software will help you comply with the UAE's VAT regulations.
Easy- to-use &
Full-Cycle Accounting

  • Comprehensive financial and tax accounting in one system;
  • Advanced bookkeeping and payroll functions;
  • Automatic VAT calculation;
  • One-click reporting;
  • Complete audit and tax compliance.
Local software tailored and fully compliant with the UAE legislation
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